Intro-Intermediate Macroeconomics 2014


This is a test

1. This week, we willl cover chapter 4 and chapter 19. Please read those chapters of the textbook in advance.



Lecture Notes and other teaching material

1. Lecture 1

2. National Income Account 2009

3. Lecture 2

3. Lecture 3

4. Lecture 4

5. Lecture 5

6. Review sheet for midterm exam

7. Lecture 6(technological progress)

8. Lecture 7

9. Lecture 8

Problem sets

1. PS#1 (Due April 22)

2. PS#2 (Due May 9)

3. PS#3 (Due May 27th)

Photocopy of the questions on page 77 of the text.

4. PS#4(This is for self-study for the exam. You do not have to submit the answer.)

5. PS#5( This is the excel home work. You need to submit the answer at June 3rd, at the beginning of the class. )

6. Reading Assignment (Due July 7th 3:00PM)

7.Short reading assignment (Due: June 17th in class)

This is the paper that you need to read for the short reading assignment.

8. PS#6 (Due:June 17th in class)

9. PS#7 (Due:June 23th in class)


Suggested Answers

1. Suggested answer of ps#1

2. For the suggesetd answer of ps#2, I explained all of them in the class. So please look at your lecture note.

3. Suggested answer of ps#3

4. Suggested answer of ps#4


Suggested answer of ps #7


1. English version of Shogun's gold vol1, vol2, vol3, vol4


Scholarship to study in the US and Canadian Graduate School to become an Economist at IMF(Japanese citizen only) 1, 2

For detailed information on the above scholarship, please come to me..

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