List of Major Publications (those
published after 1997 only)
(as of August 6,
Shuto, gPerceptions of the Japanese Occupation through the Indonesian
Textbooksh (in Japanese) in Aiko Kurasawa
ed., Japanese Occupation in Southeast
Asian History, Tokyo: Waseda University Press,
1997, pp. 453-477.
Shuto, hNGOs in the ASEAN Countries: Dynamism and
Prospecth (in Japanese) in H.Usui and M.Takase eds., Study
of People Diplomacy, Tokyo: Sanichi Shobo, 1997, pp.197-221.
Shuto, gNon-Governmental
Organizations in Southeast Asia and Japan: Organizing for Regional Democracy?h
in Verena Blechinger and Jochen Legewie eds., Facing
Asia: Japanfs Role in the Political and Economic Dynamism of Regional
Cooperation, Munchen: Iudicium,
2000, pp.113-128.
Shuto, gCrisis in Indonesia and ASEANh( in S.Yamakage ed., ASEAN
at the Crossroads , Tokyo: Japan Institute of International Affairs, 2001,
Shuto,hEU and ASEANh (in Japanese) in T.Ueta ed., Europe
and Asia in the 21st Century, Tokyo: Keiso
Shobo, 2002, pp.53-81.
Motoko Shuto gInternational Assistance and the Tasks
Ahead for State Buiding in East Timorh,
Proceedings of
the 2003 International Symposium, Unity in Diversity, Japanese Society of
International Law, October, 2003, pp.439-452.
Motoko Shuto, gDiplomacy of Developing Counties in
Globalizationh (in Japanese) in G. Kikkawa and Y.Kato eds., Trends
of International Politics: Globalization and Transformation of the Westphalia
State System , Kyoto: Nakanishiya, 2004,
Motoko Shuto, gLabour Migration and Human
Security in East and Southeast Asiah in Harald Kleinschmidt ed., Migration,
Regional Integration and Human Security: The Formation and Maintenance of
Transnational Spaces, Aldershot, UK: Ashgate, 2006, pp. 205 - 224.
Shuto, Ma. Rosario Piquero-Ballescas and Benjamin San
Jose, The Civil Society Project: the
Philippine Report, University of Tsukuba,2007.
Motoko Shuto ed., Southeast and
South Asian Diasporas, Tokyo: Akashi-Shoten,
Motoko Shuto
" East Timor: New Factors and Challenges in Creating Sovereignty", in
Y.Murakai et al., eds. Enduring States in the Face of Challenges from Within and Without,
Kyoto: Kyoto University Press, 2011, pp.203-219.
Motoko Shuto,
gAceh and Papuah(in Japanese) in S.Yamakage and T.Hirose eds., Nanbu Asia(Southern
Asia), Kyoto: Mineruva, 2011, pp.17-35.
Motoko Shuto,
gCivil Society in Asia and International Relationsh in K. Goto
et al., eds., Modern and Contemporary
History of East Asia, vol. 10, Tokyo: Iwanami-Shoten,
2011, pp. 354-374.
Motoko Shuto,
gTowards ASEAN Socio-Cultural Communityh (in Japanese) in S. Yamakage ed., New
ASEAN Regional Community, Chiba: JETR and Institute of Developing
Economies, 2011, pp. 111-138.
Shuto, gIndonesia and ASEANh (in Japanese), International
Affairs, vol.472, Tokyo: JIIA,
1999, pp.31-43.
Shuto, gNational Human Rights Commissions and Civil Society in Southeast Asiah
Japanese), Leviathan, Vol. 31, 2002, pp.63-89.@@
Shuto, gASEAN Security Community and Agenda for Conflict Preventionh (in
Japanese),Journal of International Political Economy, Vo. 15, University of Tsukuba,
Shuto, gEast Timor and Paradox of Peace Buildingg (in
Japanese), International Affairs,
Vol.564, Tokyo: JIIA, 2007, pp.23-33.
Shuto, gASEAN and Civil Societyh (in Japanese), in Aji-Ken World Trend, No.170, Institute of
Developing Economies (IDE), 2009,
Shuto, hASEAN
Socio-Cultural Community: Institutional Dynamics and Implicationsh, ASEAN
Study Group Report, The
Japan Institute of International Affair, March 2010, pp.48-60.@
Shuto, gChinese Aid in IndonesiaFthe cases of the Suramadu
Bridge project and the post-disaster
aid in Acehh (in Japanese), Area Studies,
Masterfs Program in International Area
Studies, Vol.33, 2012, pp. 1-30.
Shuto, gCauses of Conflict in Papuah (in Japanese), Indonesia Newsletter, No.79, Japan
Indonesia NGO Network
(JANNI), 2012, pp.2-11.
Shuto, "Re-evaluations of the
Japanese Occupation, Perceptions of the Occupation: A Comparison of Textbooks
in Indonesia and Japan and its Political Background", Garden Hotel,
Singapore, December 14-16, 1995.
Shuto, hTransnational Network of NGOs in ASEAN Countriesh, the spring
conference of the Japan Association of International Relations, Ritsumeikan University, Kyoto, May 18, 1996.
Shuto, gHuman Rights in Asia: Thematic Situation and Problemsh, the spring
conference of
Peace Studies Association of Japan,
Kitakyushu University, Fukuoka, June 14, 1997.
Shuto "Human Rights NGOs in
Southeast Asia and Japan's Approaches to Democratization",
International Studies Association(ISA)
: Minneapolis Hilton, March 18,1998.
Shuto "Nationalism and the
Cold War in Asia" Tokyo Colloquium on Political Interactions
between Asia and Europe during the Twentieth Century: University of Tsukuba,
September 12,
Shuto gAsian Studies in Japan:
Trends and Prospectsh, The second Joint Symposium of
Korean Association of
International Studies (KAIS) and the Japan Association of International
Chuo University, September 12,1999.
Shuto, gIslam in Indonesiah,
International conference on Islam and Civil Society: Messages from
Asia, Ito-city, Shizuoka, November 5-6. 1999.
Shuto,hRegime transition in Indonesia and the role of
NGOsh, Peace Studies Association of
Japan, Rissyo
University, Tokyo, November 14, 2001.
Shuto gChanging Concepts of
Sovereignty and New Agendas of Regionalism in East Asia in the
Era of Globalizationh, in
Globalization and Regional Cooperation in East Asia, School of
International Studies, Peking
University,Beijing, April
5-6, 2001.
Shuto gLabor Migration State
Policies and Regional Cooperation in Southeast and East Asiah, DESK(German European Studies at Komaba)
Symposium on International Migration, University of Tokyo, Komaba,
September 25-27, 2002.
Shuto, gInternational Cooperation and its agenda in the State-Building Process
of East Timorh, Japanese Society of International Law, Nagoya University,
October 12, 2003.
Motoko Shutoh ASEAN Security Community: its vision
and agenda for conflict preventionh, The Japan Association of International
Relations, Awaji-Yumebutai International Congress
Center, Awaji, October 17, 2004.
Motoko Shuto,hEast Timor: New Factors and Challenges of
Creating Sovereigntyh, the 10th International Symposium of the Joint
research Project on State, Nation and Ethnic Relations (The Japan Center for
Area Studies, National Museum of Ethnology), Komaba
Campus, University of Tokyo, January 13-15,2006.
Motoko Shuto,
gAgenda for Conflict Resolution: the Case of Aceh from Perspectives of
Particularity and Universalityh, Graduate School of International cooperation,
Hiroshima University, Hiroshima, February 19, 2007.
Shuto, gEmerging Regionalism in
East Asia: Prospects and Problemsh, Universitat
Frankfurt, Frankfurt am Main, Germany, April 20, 2007.
Shuto, gRecent Studies and Public Policy
on Labor Migration: the case of Japanh, NEAT Working Group on Labour Migration, Hotel Nikko Kuala Lumpur, 5-6 December,
Shuto, gNew Policy trends on TKI and agenda for regional governanceh, Center
for Integrated Area Studies, Kyoto University, Kyoto, July 19, 2008.
Shuto. hTKI in East Asia and Agenda for
Regional Governance of Labor Migrationh, (Panel 4), the 5th International
Symposium of Journal Antropologi Indonesia, at
University of Lambung Mangkurat,
Banjarmasin, July 25, 2008
Shuto, hInternational Labor Migration in East Asia and
Agenda for New Regional Normsh , Japan Academy of Koeki
Studies, Waseda University, September 6, 2008.
Shuto, gThe ASEAN Charter and Agenda for ASEAN Communityh, International Association
of Asian Community, University of Tsukuba, Tokyo, May 31, 2009.
Shuto,hAsian Identities in Globalizationh, Asian
Identities: Trends in a Globalized World Conference, Srinakharinwirot
University, at Imperial Queenfs Park Hotel, Bangkok, 10 February, 2011.
Shuto, gTransnational Labor Migration and Regional Governance in East Asiah,
Association for Asian Studies & International Convention of Asian Scholars,
Hawaifi Convention Center, Honolulu, April 1, 2011.
Shuto, gChinese Aid to Indonesia: the Suramadu Bridge Project and the School Reconstruction Grant
Aid in Acehh, the 7th Annual Conference of the Asian Studies
Association of Hong Kong, , Hong Kong Shue Yang University. Hong Kong, March 2, 2012.
Shuto, gEstablishment of Asian Cultural
Archives for the Enhancement of Cultural Exchange in East Asia: the Case of
Japanh, Network of East Asian Thank Tanks (NEAT) Working Group on Enhancement
of Cultural Exchange in East Asiah, Seoul Garden Hotel, Korea, July 7, 2012,
Academic Associations
The Japan Association of International
Japanese Society of International
Japan Association for Asian Studies
Japan Association for Comparative
Peace Studies Association of Japan
Japan Academy of Koeki
Association for Asian Studies (USA)
International Research Project (in
the past five years)
2006 April -2009
March: Director and Coordinator of the Grant for Scientific Research (KAKEN) by
the Government of Japan (Japan Society for the Promotion of Sciences: JSPS) , gComparative Analysis of Transnational Labour Migration and Immigration Policy in East Asiah ) ,
Motoko Shuto ed., gTransnational Labor Migration and Regional Order in East
Asiah (2000, June)
April -2011 March: Director and Coordinator of the Grant for Scientific
Research (KAKEN) by Japan Society for the Promotion of Sciences: JSPS) , gComparative Analysis of Chinese Aid from the Recipients
2012 July-2013 July, Co-Chair of Study Group on ASEAN Social and Cultural Community, ASEAN-Japan
Strategic Partnership program, funded by the Japan-ASEAN Integration Fund (JAIF).