List of good academic journal in economics

1a. Journal of Political Economy( one of the best. You should read on the regular basis. highly recommended, it is as prestageous as "Nature" in natural science)

1b. Quaterly Journal of Economics(this is also one of the best).

2. American Economic Review(highly recommended)

3. Econometrica(very prestageous, but maybe a little bit too technical for MA students)

4. Review of Economic Studies( very prestagenous, but maybe a little bit too technical for MA students)

5. AEJ:applied econometrics(highly recommended)

6. AEJ: economic policy (hihgly recommended)

7. Review of Economics Statistics(highly recommended, very accessible)

8. Journal of Public Economics(hihgly recommended)

9. Journal of Development Economics(highly recommended)

10. Journal of Human Resources(highly recommended)

11. Journal of Labor Economics(highly recommended)